IPSC Canada ranks its competitors based on their performance at our annual National Championships. Each competitor is ranked based on their best two out of the past three most recent national results. These rankings are used to allocate slots to international events; and to form teams to compete in competitions such as the World Shoot and the Pan American Championships.
If you are one of our competitors and you enter our nationals competitions, you can see here where you rank against your peers.
If you are one of our competitors that would like to attend the next World Shoot, you can see here where you will be on the list when slots to this prestigious event are handed out the year previous to the competition.
Regarding Teams; when we send teams to Level 4 and Level 5 events, IPSC Canada offers team slots to the first 3 competitors ranked in the lists and the National Executive decides on who they will offer the 4th position to. If you have more questions regarding teams; contact your section coordinator.